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What our Customers are Saying


在 CoffeeRoast Co.,我们正在寻找与您在咖啡方面相同的东西;高品质、可靠的烘焙、分析和酿造设备。这就是为什么我们对我们商店中的所有咖啡烘焙机、浓缩咖啡机和所有其他以咖啡为主的产品保持最高标准和准则。

此外,我们很自豪地说,我们所有品牌和合作伙伴的背后都是对咖啡充满热情的人。无论您是小型商业烘焙师、咖啡师还是精品咖啡爱好者,我们的目标是确保您能在 CoffeeRoast Co 找到您需要的东西。

Hey, coffee lovers! Home coffee roasting is an amazing hobby that promises the freshest cup of coffee tailored just for you. However, to master this art, there are some common mistakes you’ll want to avoid. Grab your favorite mug and learn the top 10 coffee roasting mistakes to dodge on your way to becoming a pro.
  • 7 最小阅读量
Did you know that coffee cravings in the U.S. are at a 20-year high? If you're one of the many Americans looking to make the perfect espresso at home but feel intimidated by espresso machines, you're not alone. We've put a variety of espresso makers through rigorous testing to bring you the best espresso machines of 2024.
  • 17 最小阅读量
CoffeeRoast Co.,我们为烘焙新手收获了一些精选的家用咖啡烘焙机;接下来是有关家庭咖啡烘焙机的最常见问题的解答。
  • 2 最小阅读量

Here are some of CoffeeroastCo's frequently asked questions

What types of coffee roaster machines do you offer?

We offer a range of coffee roaster machines suitable for both home and commercial use. Our selection includes fluid bed, drum, and hybrid roasters in various capacities to meet different roasting needs.

What is the difference between air and drum roasters?

Air coffee roasters use hot air to roast coffee beans, resulting in a cleaner, brighter flavor profile, while drum roasters utilize a rotating drum to roast beans, producing a richer, more traditional flavor profile.

How do I choose the right coffee roaster machine for my needs?

Consider factors such as the volume of coffee you plan to roast, your desired roast level, budget, and available space. Our team is available to assist you in selecting the best machine for your specific requirements.

Are your coffee roaster machines suitable for beginners?

Yes, we offer coffee roaster machines suitable for beginners with user-friendly interfaces and customizable roast profiles. We also provide resources and support to help you get started with home roasting.