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Best Breville Espresso Machines That Will Make You Ditch Your Coffee Shop Habit

  • 经过 Reycah Elarmo
  • 11 最小阅读量

Let's get real for a moment: There's nothing quite like that first sip of espresso in the morning, right? It's like a warm hug for your brain, kickstarting your day with a buzz.

Now, if you're nodding along, you're in the right place because we're about to dive into the world of Breville espresso machines.

Best Breville Espresso Machines

Why Breville, you ask? Well, these folks have been nailing it in the coffee game, becoming almost legendary for their innovative machines.

So, whether you're in it for that velvety smooth espresso, dreamy latte art, or just the pure joy of brewing, we're here to guide you through their best home espresso machines. We'll show you how each one could fit into your morning routine.

Stick around because, by the end of this article, you'll be well on your way to choosing an espresso machine that feels like it was made just for you.

Breville's History and Reputation in the Coffee Industry

fresh espresso coming out of esspresso machine

Way back in 1932, in Australia, Breville started off not with espresso machines but with radios and then kitchen gear. Fast-forward a few decades, and Breville's shaking up the espresso world.

The shift towards espresso machines was a smart and exciting move. They saw everyone getting more and more into coffee and thought, "Hey, why not make that awesome cafe-quality coffee something anyone can whip up at home?" That's where their big idea started.

Breville didn't just hop on a trend. They had a big dream to make the kind of coffee you get from a pro barista, something anyone could enjoy, anytime, without needing to be a coffee wizard.

When the 2000s rolled around, Breville spotted a sweet spot in the market for espresso machines that were not only top-notch but also super user-friendly – no barista badge required. They poured their hearts (and brains) into making machines that were all about nailing that perfect cup of coffee without any fuss.

And guess what? It totally worked. Breville’s espresso machines started snagging all kinds of praise for being smart, sturdy, and super easy to use. Now, their machines aren’t just known for being reliable; they’re loved for turning everyday coffee moments into something more special, both in cafes and at home.

Why is everyone so keen on them? It's their knack for blending top-notch innovation with solid quality. They didn't just make espresso machines; they transformed them with new technologies like spot-on temperature control and easy-peasy interfaces, turning the whole espresso brewing gig into a fun, smooth experience. Plus, their machines are built tough to keep on delivering delicious shots of joy in cafes and kitchens alike.

The Appeal of Breville Espresso Machines

Let's explore why Breville espresso machines have such a stellar reputation. First, these espresso machines are like the Swiss Army knives of the coffee world—they're equipped with all the features you could need while being user-friendly.

Breville thinks of everything whether it's the precise temperature control, the ability to pull shot after shot with consistent quality, or the integrated built-in coffee grinder that ensures you're working with the freshest grounds.

Now, about that stainless steel construction – it's not just for looks. Sure, it gives your kitchen a touch of class, but it's also about longevity and maintaining the purity of flavors. Stainless steel doesn't absorb odors or flavors, so every espresso shot is as fresh and delicious as the last. Plus, these machines are built to last, standing up to daily use without a hitch.

A Breville espresso machine offers consistent quality and convenience, enhancing your daily coffee ritual. It's about reliable performance, day in and day out, and that feeling of satisfaction when you sip that perfect brew. It's these thoughtful touches that make Breville a standout in the crowded world of espresso machines.

Unpacking the Best Breville Espresso Machines

Let's take a fun little tour through Breville's espresso machine lineup and spot those standout features. We're on a mission to find the ultimate Breville espresso machine that's just right for your home brewing vibe.

So, grab your favorite mug, and let's get started on this espresso-finding adventure!

Best for Beginners:

Breville Bambino Espresso Machine - The Compact Marvel

Breville Bambino Espresso Machine

Ideal for beginners or those with limited counter space, the Breville Bambino shines in delivering quick, consistent espresso with a user-friendly interface. Despite its smaller size, it doesn't skimp on functionality, offering manual steam control and a variety of basket options for different brewing preferences. Its compact nature and rapid heating system make it a standout for quick, efficient coffee preparation, perfect for modern, fast-paced lifestyles.


  • Emphasizes its compact design and rapid heating system.

  • Ideal for those who appreciate the quick and consistent shots, complemented by a versatile steam wand.

  • Highlights include timed dosing and a manual steam wand for personalized espresso experiences.


  • 1560W, 120V

  • 48 oz reservoir

  • 54mm portafilter

  • 6-second warm-up

  • thermocoil boiler.

Breville Bambino Plus Espresso Machine - The User-Friendly Upgrade

Bambino Plus - Breville Espresso Machine

The Plus version builds on the Bambino's strengths with additional features like automatic milk texturing and a more robust heating system. It remains compact and easy to use but offers a bit more versatility for those looking to explore different espresso drinks. Its balance of simplicity and performance makes it ideal for newcomers to espresso who want a little more from their machine.


  • Combines the convenience of rapid heating with an automated frothing wand for silky milk texture.

  • An excellent entry point for novice baristas seeking quality without complication.

  • Special features include a compact footprint, smart milk texturing, and quick brew time.


  • 1560W, 120V

  • 64 oz reservoir

  • 54mm portafilter

  • 3-second warm-up

  • thermocoil boiler.


Breville Barista Express Espresso Machine - The All-Rounder

Barista Express - Breville Espresso Machine

A favorite in the Breville lineup, the Barista Express balances functionality with affordability. It's an excellent choice for those stepping up their home espresso game, offering an integrated grinder and customizable settings. Its temperature control and manual steam wand allow users to experiment and refine their brew, making it a versatile machine for aspiring baristas.


  • Renowned for integrating grinder and brewing functions, optimizing space and efficiency.

  • Praised for its versatility and ease of use, making it a favorite among beginners and pros.

  • Noteworthy aspects: precise temperature control, programmable volumetrics, and a durable stainless steel design.


  • 1600W, 120V

  • 67 oz reservoir

  • 53mm portafilter

  • 1-minute warm-up

  • thermocoil boiler

Breville Barista Pro Espresso Machine - The Stylish Performer

Barista Pro - Breville Espresso Machine

Building on the success of the Barista Express, the Pro version offers enhanced speed and a more intuitive interface, thanks to its digital display. Its ThermoJet heating system ensures quick transitions from brewing to steaming, making it a great fit for those who don't want to keep their morning rush waiting. The Pro's built-in grinder and user-friendly controls position it as a top choice for espresso aficionados seeking style and substance.


  • Stands out with its ThermoJet heating system and built-in grinder, ensuring quick transitions from grinding to brewing.

  • The digital interface offers enhanced control over brewing parameters.

  • Key attractions include programmable shot control and a hot water spout for americanos.


  • 1680W, 120V

  • 2L reservoir

  • 54mm portafilter

  • 20-second warm-up

  • thermocoil boiler

Breville Barista Touch Espresso Machine - The Intuitive Innovator

Barista Touch - Breville Espresso Machine

Combining the functionality of its predecessors with the convenience of touchscreen control, the Barista Touch allows users to save their favorite drinks and adjust settings with a simple tap. The machine's automated features, like milk texturing, make it easy to reproduce your favorite cafe-style beverages at home.


  • Integrates user-friendly touchscreen controls with automated grinding and milk texturing.

  • Ideal for those valuing speed and simplicity, offering customizable drink options at a touch.

  • Distinctive elements: automatic milk steaming, built-in grinder, and personalized drink programming.


  • 1680W, 120V

  • 67 oz reservoir

  • 54mm portafilter

  • 43-second warm-up

  • thermocoil boiler.


Breville Barista Express Impress Espresso Machine - The Precision Expert

Barista Express Impress - Breville Espresso Machine

The beloved Breville Barista Express Impress features and adds intelligent dosing and tamping technology, ensuring each cup is crafted with precision. It is ideal for those who appreciate the nuances of espresso making and seek to perfect their barista skills at home.


  • Automatically adjusts to deliver the perfect dose and tamp pressure, reducing guesswork and enhancing shot consistency.

  • With its efficient thermoblock system, the machine is ready for brewing in a remarkably short time, ensuring you don't wait to enjoy your coffee.

  • Customize and save your preferred espresso settings for consistency with every brew.

  • The convenience of an integrated grinder with adjustable settings complements the machine's overall precision focus.


The Breville Barista Express Impress Espresso Machine shares similar basic specifications with the standard Barista Express model but includes additional advanced features designed to improve precision and ease of use. These intelligent features focus on automating certain processes to ensure consistent espresso quality with less manual intervention.

Breville Oracle Espresso Machine - The Automated Connoisseur

Oracle - Breville Espresso Machine

A leap in espresso technology, the Oracle Breville Espresso Machine provides an almost hands-off experience without compromising on the quality of the brew. It's a favorite among enthusiasts who appreciate its dual boilers, automated grinding, tamping, and milk texturing. This espresso maker is for those who want the quality of a coffee shop espresso without the effort, blending convenience with top-tier performance.


  • Dual stainless steel boilers for simultaneous espresso extraction and milk steaming

  • Integrated conical burr grinder for bean-to-cup freshness

  • Automated grinding, dosing, tamping, and milk texturing

  • Digital temperature control (PID) for precise water temperature

  • Over Pressure Valve (OPV) for optimal extraction pressure

  • Heated group head for thermal stability

  • Programmable settings for coffee customization

  • Intuitive interface for ease of use and adjustment

  • Designed for both novice users and experienced baristas seeking convenience without sacrificing quality


  • 1800W, 120V

  • 84 oz reservoir

  • 58mm portafilter

  • 10-minute warm-up

  • Dual Boiler

Professional Use:

Breville Dual Boiler Espresso Machine - The Professional's Choice

Dual Boiler - Breville Espresso Machine

For serious espresso enthusiasts, the Dual Boiler offers commercial-grade features, including separate boilers for brewing and steaming, precise temperature control, and a range of customizable settings. Its performance and consistency make it a favorite among those who consider espresso an art form.


  • Dual independently controlled stainless steel boilers for precise extraction and simultaneous milk steaming.

  • Offers manual or automatic operation giving you the flexibility to experiment or use preset functions.

  • Features a dedicated shot clock for monitoring extraction time and an over-pressure valve to prevent bitter flavors.

  • Incorporates an electronic PID temperature control for increased temperature stability.

  • Equipped with a commercial-grade rotary steam wand for creating rich, velvety microfoam ideal for latte art.

  • Boasts a dual-shot control to customize shot volume and an LCD for easy monitoring and adjustments.

  • Offers a descaling function for easy maintenance and a durable construction for longevity.


  • 1700W, 120V

  • 2.5L reservoir

  • 58mm portafilter

  • 18-minute warm-up

  • Double Boiler

Breville Barista Touch™ Impress Espresso Machine - The Future of Home Espresso

Barista Touch Impress - Breville Espresso Machine

This advanced version of the Breville Barista Touch introduces new features like barista guidance software and improved steaming profiles for alternative milks. It's designed for those who want the latest technology in their kitchen and offers unparalleled convenience and customization.


  • The intuitive touchscreen interface simplifies the selection and customization of drinks.

  • Automated grinding and tamping for consistency and ease of use.

  • Digital temperature control (PID) ensures optimal espresso extraction.

  • Automatic milk texturing creates the perfect microfoam for latte art.

  • Save and replicate your favorite coffee settings for convenience.

  • The sleek design integrates seamlessly into modern kitchens.


The Breville Barista Touch™ Impress Espresso Machine shares core functionalities with the standard Barista Touch model but includes improved features aimed at enhancing automation and precision in the brewing process. This espresso machine has more advanced settings, refined controls, or new technologies designed to deliver consistently high-quality espresso with greater ease and customization.

Comparison and Best Pick

When you're eyeing these Breville espresso machines, think about what you really need.

If you're just starting out, the Bambino line is super user-friendly. If you're more into tweaking and finessing your brew, the Barista Pro or Express might be your jam.

For those who like to dive deep into their espresso, the Oracle and Dual Boiler are the best choices. If you want the best, well, it's all about what suits your vibe. But if you're after something solid all around, many folks lean towards the Breville Barista Express. It's versatile, not too complicated, and priced just right.

Accessories That Enhance Your Brewing

The journey to your perfect espresso ritual goes beyond choosing the right espresso Breville machines; it's about complementing your brewing process with the finest accessories designed to improve every aspect of your coffee experience.

From precision dosing to optimal water filtration, these Breville accessories are curated to enhance, simplify, and refine your coffee-making routine. They ensure that each cup you craft is a testament to your passion for espresso.

Breville Dosing Funnel 54

Breville Dosing Funnel 54

The Breville Dosing Funnel 54 is an indispensable tool for precision and cleanliness in your process of making espresso. Designed exclusively for Breville's 54mm portafilters, it ensures accurate coffee dosing and reduces spillage, enhancing the consistency of your espresso shots.

The funnel aids in directing freshly ground coffee beans precisely where they need to go, minimizing waste and optimizing extraction. Its compatibility with certain Breville machines ensures it integrates smoothly into your routine, making it an essential accessory for achieving barista-level precision at home.

Breville ClaroSwiss Water Filter

Breville ClaroSwiss Water Filter

The Breville ClaroSwiss Water Filter plays a pivotal role in enhancing your espresso experience, providing a pure foundation that lets the rich flavors and aromas of your coffee shine through. It removes common tap water contaminants like chlorine, lead, and copper. This filter ensures your coffee's taste and quality remain uncompromised.

It also protects your machine from scale buildup and extends the lifespan of your Breville espresso machine. Remember to verify its compatibility with your specific model to harness these benefits fully, making every cup you brew a pristine reflection of your coffee passion.

Breville Knock Box

The Breville Knock Box is more than just a bin for used coffee grounds; it's a thoughtfully designed accessory that enhances your espresso-making ritual. Robust and stylish, it's built to endure the daily rigors of coffee making while maintaining its aesthetic charm.

Its broad compatibility with various espresso setups makes it a versatile choice, though it's wise to consider your counter space to ensure a good fit. The Breville Knock Box streamlines your cleaning process, ensuring your workspace remains tidy so you can dedicate your attention to the art of espresso creation.

Breville Pour Over Adapter Kit

breville pour-over adapter kit

The Breville Pour Over Adapter Kit enhances your coffee experience, merging the nuanced control of manual pour-over with the efficiency of your trusted Breville espresso machine. This kit not only improves the quality of your coffee by ensuring optimal extraction but also broadens your brewing capabilities, letting you explore a range of coffee flavors and textures.

Perfectly compatible with select Breville models, it enhances your coffee experience by offering a new level of precision and variety in your daily coffee ritual.

Breville Puck Sucker

breville puck sucker

The Breville Puck Sucker is your espresso's new best friend. It makes sure that every bit of flavor is squeezed out of your coffee puck, giving you that pure, rich taste you love. Plus, it's a whiz at keeping things tidy, taking the hassle out of cleaning up after your brew.

Just make sure it fits your machine's portafilter size, and you're all set for a smoother, tastier espresso experience. No fuss, just great coffee.

When you add these accessories to your Breville espresso machines, it's not just about brewing coffee anymore; it's about enhancing your whole coffee ritual. You're creating a moment, an art form, really, that celebrates every nuanced flavor of espresso.

Just remember to check that these tools fit your specific Breville machine model. That way, everything clicks together perfectly, making your coffee-making smooth, enjoyable, and absolutely spot-on every time.

Core Technologies Behind Breville Espresso Machines

professional espresso machine

Breville machines are not just about making coffee; they're about creating an experience. These machines boast an optimal extraction process that ensures every espresso shot is rich, full-bodied, and bursting with flavor.

Breville's espresso machines stand out with their innovative tamping system, which, when combined with assisted tamping, ensures your coffee grounds are perfectly packed every time, leading to an exceptional extraction. The built-in coffee grinder is a crucial feature that keeps your beans fresh and flavors bold and vibrant. This grinder, paired with Breville's precise tamping, lays the groundwork for an impeccable perfect shot.

Design and Usability

Breville's got a knack for creating machines that you'd love to show off. Sleek, stylish, and smart, they're like the cool, sophisticated friends everyone wants to hang out with. Plus, those user-friendly features – like the drip tray that's a breeze to clean and the pressure gauge that feels like having your own barista mentor – make brewing feel less like a chore and more like a treat.

So, not only do they make your kitchen counter look good, but they also make you feel like a pro while you're at it.

Wrapping Up with Breville

espresso machines at home

The journey to find the best Breville espresso machine is an exciting adventure in taste, technology, and personal preference. Breville's innovative features, user-friendly design, and consistent performance across various models cater to every coffee enthusiast's needs. Whether you're crafting your first espresso or fine-tuning your barista skills, there's a Breville machine designed for you.

Looking for the best one to call your own? Why not hop over to our shop to see the latest models? Or, if you're keen on becoming your very own at-home barista, our blog is packed with tips to help you brew that perfect espresso. Dive in, and let's get brewing!
