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What our Customers are Saying


在 CoffeeRoast Co.,我們正在尋找與您在咖啡方面相同的東西;高品質、可靠的烘焙、分析和釀造設備。這就是為什麼我們對我們商店中的所有咖啡烘焙機、濃縮咖啡機和所有其他以咖啡為主的產品保持最高標準和準則。

此外,我們很自豪地說,我們所有品牌和合作夥伴的背後都是對咖啡充滿熱情的人。無論您是小型商業烘焙師、咖啡師還是精品咖啡愛好者,我們的目標都是確保您能在 CoffeeRoast Co 找到您需要的東西。

Without the Maillard reaction, roasting coffee wouldn't be a thing. Green coffee beans would remain green beans until the end of their days, and we would never be acquainted with the flavor and aromatic compounds we love in our morning (or anytime -- we're not judging) brew.
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Curious about green coffee beans? Whether you're a coffee aficionado looking for a healthier alternative, or simply curious about this lesser-known form of your daily brew, you're in the right place to learn about the diverse aspects of green coffee beans.
  • 7 最小閱讀量

Breville has been nailing it in the coffee game, becoming almost legendary for their innovative machines. Whether you're in it for that elvety smooth espresso, dreamy latte art, or just the pure joy of brewing, we're here to guide you through the best Breville home espresso machines and show you how each one could fit into your morning routine.

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