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Sandbox Smart R2 Coffee Roaster Bundle - With Cooling Tray and Filter System

Sandbox Smart R2 Coffee Roaster Bundle

Delivery times may vary. Estimated Delivery: 3-7 business days

Included in this bundle:

  • Sandbox Smart R2 Coffee Roaster
  • Sandbox Smart C1 Coffee Bean Cooler
  • Sandbox Smart F2 Coffee Roaster Filter
  • ROAST JUST HOW YOU LIKE IT - Simulated direct fire heating system allows you to fine tune temperatures and timing for that perfect roast.
  • ROAST BATCHES UP TO 550 GRAMS - Roast large batches of coffee beans up to 550 grams to build up your stash or share with others.
  • SIMPLIFY THE ROASTING PROCESS - Keep things easy with Sandbox Smart's patented easy load and release system.
  • EASILY MONITOR YOUR ROAST - Keep tabs on the color of your beans without interrupting the roast with the clear viewing window.
  • CONSISTENT ROASTS EVERY TIME - Let the Sandbox Smart App keep track of all your roasts so you can get the exact results you want every time you roast.

Taking Roasting Your Own Coffee at Home to the Next Level

Introducing the Sandbox Smart R2 Coffee Roaster, the next generation of coffee roasters and the successor to the popular R1 Coffee Roaster. With its patented features and cutting-edge design, this roaster ensures that you'll have the best and most consistent coffee bean roasting process from batch to batch.

One of the key improvements of the Smart R2 is its size – it can roast up to 550 grams of beans at a time, making it one of the largest home roasters on the market. Despite its size, it is compact enough to sit next to your microwave, so you don't need to sacrifice counter space for quality coffee.

The Smart R2 features a simulated direct fire heating system that guarantees a perfect roast every time. And with the enlarged viewing window, you can easily monitor changes in the beans' color and track the roast progression without interrupting the roasting process.

The Smart R2 also includes several quality of life improvements that make roasting at home even easier. The patented easy-to-load and remove design simplifies the roasting process, while the skin collection tray ensures that cleanup is a breeze. With the Smart R2 app, you can keep track of your roasts for reference, making it easier to achieve a consistent roast every time.

The Sandbox Smart R2 Coffee Roaster takes your coffee roasting experience to the next level, delivering professional-quality roasts from the comfort of your own home. Whether you're all-in or even just curious about coffee, the Smart R2 is the perfect tool for you!

Features & Benefits:

  • Simulates heating with direct fire to provide stable bean-roasting quality
  • Super large volume of 550g, just right for one pound batches
  • Enlarged window view design for clear observation of bean color changes
  • Patented easy-to-open and release bean loading system
  • Easy to pair and use app to control and keep track of all your roasts so you can keep your favorite profiles
  • Easy cleaning and maintenance with specialized filtration and sliding chaff tray


  • Dimensions:L 38 x W 27.5 x H 32.8 cm
  • Batch Capacity: Up to 550g (1lb)
  • Heating Method: Electric Heating
  • Voltage: 110V
  • Power: 900W
  • Drum Rotation: 90rpm
  • Drum material: 304 Food grade stainless steel
  • Product Weight: 12 kg (25 lbs)
  • Connectivity: Bluetooth
  • Bean Tank Material: CNS316 stainless steel
  • Outer Case Material: Seamless aluminum alloy

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在大多數情況下,訂單一旦處理完畢,即為最終訂單,且由於這些產品體積較大,因此不可取消。 商品交付後的退貨/換貨請求將根據具體情況進行評估。 任何退貨 請求均需繳納相當於訂單 10% 的管理 費用和取消費用,最低金額為 35 美元。

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在 CoffeeRoast Co.,我們確保您獲得咖啡烘焙機絕對最優惠的價格,同時確保最高的質量。 一如既往,高品質的烘焙機並不便宜,但我們通過與最好的咖啡烘焙機製造商簽訂獨家合同,確保它們的價格合理。

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