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Kaleido Sniper M6s Dual System Electric Coffee Roaster 700g (Kaleido + Artisan) Version 2 Sealed - 120V

Kaleido Sniper M6s Dual System Electric Coffee Roaster 700g (Kaleido + Artisan) Version 2 Sealed - 120V


The M6 Dual is currently out of stock, but it is available for pre-order, we hope to receive the latest shipment end of January 2025.

Note this is the Version 2 model.It is sometimes referred to as the S (sealed).  It includes a new sealed design as well as an updated control board.  The images shown may be slightly different than the final product we are receiving.  

What does "Sealed" mean?  The innovative negative pressure sealed bean chamber combines direct fire heating and a hot air circulation system.  You not only have direct fire heating but now a more uniform effect with hot air circulation.



Craft specialty-grade coffee in the comfort of your own home with the Kaleido Sniper M6 Dual System Electric Coffee Roaster. Featuring a powerful heating system, patented chaff collection, and seamless integration with both the Kaleido and Artisan control platforms, this 200-700g capacity machine delivers the precision and customization you need to unlock your full roasting potential. Experience the freshest, most flavorful coffee with the Kaleido Sniper M6.


  • 200g - 700g capacity
  • Adjustable heat, fan speed, and drum speed
  • Real-time feedback and control via Kaleido System
  • Touchscreen with Kaleido Intelligent Roasting system included
  • Carbon Fiber Infrared Direct-Fire Heating System
  • USB / Bluetooth Connection
  • Temperature probes to monitor bean and environmental temperatures
  • Automatic Chaff Collection
  • Industrial-grade automatic cooling fan
  • Record, save, and share roasting curves
  • Automatic or manual roasting
  • This version is 120V only


The M6 and M10 Kaleido Coffee Roasters require a dedicated 20 ampere (20a) receptacle with no other loads on it. It is highly recommended to consult with a licensed electrician to ensure that the electrical circuit and outlet used for these roasters meet the necessary requirements for safe and optimal operation. Attempting to operate these roasters on an inappropriate electrical circuit or outlet may cause electrical overload and potentially result in equipment damage or electrical hazards. Any misuse or failure to comply with the recommended electrical requirements is solely the responsibility of the user. It is essential to prioritize safety and seek professional advice from a licensed electrician as needed.

First Look / Reviewer Videos (May Cover All Three Variations of the M6)




Unlock your full coffee roasting potential with the Kaleido Sniper M6 Dual System Electric Coffee Roaster. Designed for both beginner and experienced home roasters, this versatile 200-700g capacity machine allows you to craft specialty-grade coffee right in your own kitchen.

For unparalleled control, the M6 offers seamless connectivity via USB and Bluetooth. Use the included 7-inch smart touchscreen panel to access the Kaleido Intelligent Roasting System, which provides real-time temperature profiling, roasting curve management, and automatic or manual roasting modes. Alternatively, pair the roaster with a tablet or computer to utilize the Artisan platform, granting you even deeper customization and data-logging capabilities.

The M6's patented chaff collection system effectively captures roasted chaff, preventing buildup and clogging for a clean, hassle-free operation. Its high-speed drum and built-in smoke extraction system also work in tandem to minimize smoke emissions, creating a more comfortable roasting environment.

Whether you're a coffee enthusiast looking to take your home roasting to new heights or a seasoned professional seeking a versatile and powerful roaster, the Kaleido Sniper M6 Dual System Coffee Roaster delivers the precision, customization, and performance you need. Roast between 200-700g batches, record and share your unique roast profiles, and enjoy the freshest, most flavorful specialty coffee crafted in your own kitchen.

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在大多數情況下,訂單一旦處理完畢,即為最終訂單,且由於這些產品體積較大,因此不可取消。 商品交付後的退貨/換貨請求將根據具體情況進行評估。 任何退貨 請求均需繳納相當於訂單 10% 的管理 費用和取消費用,最低金額為 35 美元。

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在 CoffeeRoast Co.,我們確保您獲得咖啡烘焙機絕對最優惠的價格,同時確保最高的質量。 一如既往,高品質的烘焙機並不便宜,但我們通過與最好的咖啡烘焙機製造商簽訂獨家合同,確保它們的價格合理。

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