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    Price Guarantee

    At CoffeeRoast Co., we ensure that you get the absolute best prices for coffee roasters, all while ensuring the highest quality. As always, high-quality roasters do not come cheap, but we ensure that they are reasonably priced using our exclusive contracts with the best coffee roaster manufacturers.

    We want you to be able to make your purchase with us in confidence. Putting our money where our mouth is, we offer you a price guarantee on all orders. If you find out within six months from your purchase of an item from CoffeeRoast Co. was offered at a lower price than us from the time of purchase, we will refund the difference. 

    To get a refund, all you need to do is e-mail us a link to the product on our website and the same product on our competitor’s website within six months from the date of your purchase, and we will process the refund accordingly.

    Terms and Conditions of our 100% Price Guarantee:

    • You must have purchased the item from our website before requesting your Price Match Guarantee
    • Discounted goods and goods received as an Ad on such as; buy one, get one free offer are not eligible
    • The item must be in stock on the competitor's website
    • The 100% price guarantee is only valid within the first six months from the date of purchase
    • The competitor must be an online store; they may not have a retail location
    • The competitor website cannot be a discounter or an auction website (i.e., eBay, overstock, etc.)
    • The competitor must be an Authorized Retailer of the product in question
    • The Price Match Guarantee includes the item price and the shipping charges; it excludes sales tax