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    Guatemala Huehuetenango | Boxes

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    REGION: Cuilco, San Marcos, Santa Barbara, San Sebastian Huehuetenango, various.

    ALTITUDE: 1,400 - 1,800 m

    VARIETIES: Caturra, Bourbon, Catuai

    PROCESSING: Washed and patio dried

    Q-GRADE: 84.5 Points

    CUP: Sweet vibrant acidity, smooth to full body

    FLAVOR: Balanced flavor with cherries, blackberry, cocoa and winey notes.


    FREE SHIPPING: Ships within 3 business days



    Guatemala Coffee 

    Guatemala is home to some of the most well-loved and prominent coffees on the planet. Production began in the mid-19th century and is an important element of the country’s economy. Guatemala is home to hundreds of microclimates which allows for great specialty coffees to be grown and harvested. The mountains, volcanic soils, and rainy weather create ideal conditions for coffee cultivation and has become a fan favorite of many coffee drinkers across the world. The coffee is primarily shade grown and grown at altitude.  

    Organic Guatemala SHB EP Huehuetenango Asprocdegua (GP) 

    Asprocdegua (Asociación de Productores de Café Diferenciados y Especiales de Guatemala / Association of Producers of Differentiated and Specialty Coffee of Guatemala), is a Guatemalan specialty coffee cultivation group with over 600 contributing members, most of whom are organic certified and grow coffee on less than 2 hectares often alongside other crops.

    This specific Huehuetenango is organic certified, is SHB (Strictly Hard Bean), meaning it was grown above 1,300 meters, and hand sorted to fit criteria of the European Preparation (EP) for export. We enjoy this coffee for its balanced flavor, fruit notes, clean aftertaste, smooth body and brown sugar aromas.  


    100% Arabica Coffee.

    Green coffee beans, raw coffee, unroasted coffee.

    Green coffee is a raw agricultural product requiring further processing prior to consumption. Foreign materials may be present such as stones.

    Guatemala Huehuetenango | Boxes
    $99.99 USD