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    Rubasse Nano Pro 1s Coffee Roaster

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    Rubasse Nano Pro 1s

    *Custom Manufactured to Order & Freight Shipping: 12-14 weeks
    **As each roaster is specially manufactured to order, cancellations or returns are not supported.


    Contact us for a live demo of the innovative Rubasse Coffee Roaster!

    NIR-driven small batch roasting: Maintaining the same controllability and efficiency as our Micro series roasters. 

    Only 1650W of power needed to roast a full-capacity 600g batch 
    (same power requirement as the average hair dryer!) 

    All our functions and features fit into a much more compact footprint: The perfect choice for small batch roasting, sample roasting, serious home roasters and coffee aficionados! 

    Next-gen roasting

    Innovating coffee roasting by putting radiation heating technology center-stage.

    at your fingertips.

    Unprecedented efficiency & flavor possibilities —

    Fully driven by electricity & fitted onto your countertop.

    Smaller ≠ Less

    Commercial electrical roasting machines usually gives the impression of being sluggish and slow, needing a lot of anticipation and "guessing games" when adjusting the roast controls.

    The opposite can be said about the Nano Pro 1s.


    Roast the way you want

    Backed by our cutting-edge Near Infrared (NIR) radiation roasting technology, the Nano Pro 1s achieved top-class roasting responsiveness, controllability, and stability rivaling professional specialty production roasters on the market — all while needing only a mere 1650W power input at most!!

    Counter-top & hassle-free

    Fully electric
    Small, adjustable footprint
    25kg weight
    220V household plug power supply
    Industrial-grade stability and controllability
    Professional quality roasts conveniently and consistently

    Center-placed NIR Radiation - 
    Powerful, Accurate, Efficient

    By directly applying the roasting energy onto the beans via radiation, we made roasting more energy-efficient than ever.

    This also gives roasters ultra instinct & straightforward control over the heat energy applied at any stage of the roast — simply by adjusting the heat setting with a touch on the control panel.

    Precise control over your roast -
    All at your fingertips

    Just like our larger roaster models, all roasting functions are controlled via the touch panel, making live roasting adjustments straightforward, easy, and swift.

    The one-page interface design makes sure that all the adjustments are only one touch away anytime during roasting.

    200~600g roast capacity
    Unlimited back-to-back roasting

    The efficiency of our center-placed NIR radiation heat source minimizes heat energy waste & overheating of the stainless steel roasting drum & components.

    This allows roasters to do back-to-back roasting throughout the entire roast day without worrying about overheated metal parts interfering with both the roast controls & the final product flavor.


    Focus on creation.


    Let us do the repetitions.

    Replicate your previous roasts in 3 easy steps :

    1. Search and select the saved profile

    2. Press "Auto", wait for automatic preheat to complete, then charge the beans

    3. Drop the batch — your done!

     Paired with the super-responsive heating of the NIR heat source, our specialized PID-based roast replication system automates the repetitive roasting process for you with precision & repeatability.

    Roast moisture sensor

    Opening up a new dimension of roasting control & profile design.

    Roasters have long talked about the "drying phase", "dehydration", & "release of moisture" throughout the roast process. On the Nano Pro 1s, we actually visiualized it for you — with precision and repeatability, again.

    With this special data now available, roasters might actually get a whole step closer to the essence of coffee roasting, opening up new possibilities regarding profile design, and push the boundaries of specialty coffee further once more.

    Things that you can use the moisture sensor for :
    1. Determine when the "first crack" actually occurs
    2. Determine when it is best to end a roast for optimal flavor/tactile qualities
    3. Determine when and how to adjust the airflow throughout the roast




    • Total power required : 1650W
    • Roaster voltage : 220V
    • Drum rpm : -100 ~ +100 rpm
    • Panel voltage : 100 ~ 240V


    • Max roast capacity : 600g
    • Min roast capacity : 200g
    • Cooling : specified exhaust
    • Roaster weight : 25kg
    • Cooling tray weight : 2.8kg
    • Footprint : L55*W30*H65 cm
    • Touch panel : 15.6 inch

    Roasting Sensors
    Comes with: 

    • Bean temperature sensor
    • Air temperature sensor


    • Roast moisture sensor (+$670)
    • Differential pressure sensor (+$670)

    Roasting Software

    • Lv.3 Rubasse profile replication system
    • (same level as the Micro Pro model roasters)
    Rubasse Nano Pro 1s Coffee Roaster
    $8,849.99 USD - $10,434.99 USD$13,270.00 USD
    Digital Moisture Detector (Optional)
    Digital Pressure Gauge(Optional)